Framing & Collections : Multiples - Photography Craft

Framing & Collections : Multiples - Photography Craft

A trio of charming portraits, right, displays the similarities as well as the differences between brother and sisters, while a series of pictures taken in rapid succession, follows the progress of a toddler falling off a swing. 

A series of snapshots, or a number of portraits of one person, often looks good as a multiple display.

Choose a multiple window mount - a piece of thick cardboard with several holes cut in it - or simply stick your pictures on to a firm background before framing.

Ready-cut multiple mounts are widely available, or a picture framer should be able to cut one to your specifications.

Three pictures of the same child help to show the different sides of her character. 

Framing & Collections : Multiples - Photography Craft Reviewed by Unknown on 3/02/2020 Rating: 5
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