Tissue Box, Trinket Box - Photography Craft

Tissue Box, Trinket Box - Photography Craft

Materials & Equipment
blank boxes 
gesso or flat latex paint 
acrylic craft paint 
spray adhesive or all-purpose glue

Many furnishing companies sell blank pieces ready to be decorated. Buy them from stores or by mail order; they are inexpensive and can be customized in any way you like.

This lidded box and tissue box cover have simply been painted, using several layers of acrylic paints, and distressed by sandpaper (for more details of this technique, see the key racks on page 24), then decorated with photographic prints.

Make a set for your own home, painted in colors to match existing furnishings, or give them as gifts.

A plain lampshade can be decorated with color photocopies, cut to size and stuck in place using PVA glue, fabric glue or a spray adhesive.

1 Blank boxes are usually made from medium-density overlay and need little preparation, though it is a good idea to paint on a coat of primer, either gesso or flat latex paint, to give a good surface for painting.

2 Paint your box with two or three coats of craft paint; leave to dry thoroughly, between coats, then sand to reveal patches of different colors.

3 Cut pictures to size and stick in place, using spray adhesive or an all-purpose glue.
Tissue Box, Trinket Box - Photography Craft Reviewed by Unknown on 2/29/2020 Rating: 5
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